About Us

About the Valley Center Chamber of Commerce

The Valley Center Chamber of Commerce is a catalyst for business growth and development in our community. We are committed to empowering businesses through resources, support, and advocacy. Learn about our mission, values, and the impact we strive to make in Valley Center. Join us in our journey towards a thriving local economy.

Business Empowerment

Fostering growth and success for every member through extensive resources and support.

Community Collaboration

Uniting businesses and local talent to build a strong, interconnected community.

Economic Advocacy

Championing the interests of our members to drive positive economic change in Valley Center.

Board Members

Brendan McGettigan

Chamber Board President

Avery Automotive

Megan Ray

Chamber Board Treasurer

Porter, Carswell & Raya

Larry Hall

Chamber Board Vice President

L+H Homes, Reece Nichols
South Central Kansas

Tom Bartel

Chamber Board Member

Top Dog Realty

Allison Clubb

Director Valley Center Chamber of Commerce

Greg Lehr

Chamber Board Member

USD 262 Superintendent

Brent Clark

Chamber Board Member

City of Valley Center

Kyle Fieldler

Ex-officio Member

City of Valley Center Community Development

Ashley Martin

Chamber Board Secretary

Valley Offset Printing

Chad Dove

Chamber Board Member

Dove Media Group

Chris Evans

Banking Ambassador

Emprise Bank, Valley Center

Brent Castillo

Chamber Board Member

McCownGordon Construction

Join the chamber

The Valley Center Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to connecting businesses and business owners in Valley Center with the support and resources to develop, sustain, grow and stand out in the community.